I've been obsessively following this blog.

Its a little strange since Im not pregnant nor do I plan to be pregnant anytime soon-
but I LOVE reading her blog!
I think it's mostly the pictures she takes and I get a kick out of.
Like these...
She takes them herself ( she used to be a model ) and I love the simplicity of her pictures.
I'm sure I'll go back to her blog when I am pregnant.
I hope Im this pretty when Im pregnant.
Most likely I'll look like a wrecked hot air balloon...but a girl can dream.
I can't wait to set up my camera and take pictures like this with Nick.
2 pennies for thoughts:
Aaaawww you're too sweet! Thank you so much :)))))))
No thanks needed! My husband thought it was hillarious, we'd lay in bed at night and he'd be on his lap top and me on mine... then Id turn to him and say, "We're gonna be like that when Im pregnant right?" lol.
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