
The good, the bad & the ugly

The good:
We got approved for the condo today! So that means we'll be all cozy in our own place in less than a month! Also, I had a free day of doing nothing (this is also listed in the bad) I didn't have class today or work- I actually slept till 11 and all day watched shows like Boy Meets World, Big Bang Theory and got caught up on many shows I watch on Hulu.

The Bad:
Well, like I stated, I did nothing today. Not even homework. But the night is semi-young... lets say the night is in it's mid 30s. I'll do some homework and hopefully lots of cleaning.
Another bad- I'm getting sick of the lectures coming from my family about buying a house. I agree with them that its a better investment to purchase a home and that the mortgage payments are cheaper than renting. What they can't seem to get through their minds is that I already had this talk with Nick and he doesn't want to go through with it- no matter all the pros behind it. I dont get how they can still lecture me when I already agree with them!

The ugly:
Our bedroom. Its a disaster! Its very difficult to keep a small room clean when you cram all the things both of us own into it. Also, neither of us like to hang up clothes. Its a habit we need to kick when we get our own place. I am determined to keep a very clean and neat home!

Another ugly, our finances. We're not in a horrible situation BUT getting our own place is going to change our lifestyle dramatically. We dont go out and purchase extravagant things, I dont even remember the last time I got to go shopping- but we do go out alot to eat. Nick and I frequent at a few restaurants. That is going to have to be cut out of our budget.

Im also very anal when it comes to planning. I make lists, keep a planner journal, etc. Nick on the other hand is not this way. He's the 'take it easy until its time to panic at the last minute' person. This poses a problem in our relationship. So now that he wants to talk about our finances because he's worried we can't afford this place- Im a little peaved. He wants to talk about this NOW that we already put in the application fee.

Hmmm- I think I may have deeper issues than the intended post. *awkward*

0 pennies for thoughts:

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