Its time for the happy me to make a come back.Not too long ago, I was obsessed with getting fit and just over all become a healthier person.
Luckily, food wise, Im good in that department. I actually enjoy healthier foods rather than the alternatives. Dieting is not a problem for me. I quit soda for many years, recently quit coffee and only drink water and tea (with no sugar).
I was training pretty hard to become a body pump instructor. Until I started getting sharp chest pains. I went to the doctor and they couldnt figure out where the chest pains were coming from. My dad came to the conclusion it could be from some type of (inner) hernia I was born with. Where my intestines come up past the lining, pushing my lungs and heart up higher. ( We're still not sure if that's the case )
Anyways, I slowed the training down and adding on the lifestyle my husband led did not include the gym- which made it easier for me to slack.
All and all- the gym became a part of my past and I lost a lot of the progress I had made.
I decided that things need to change. (Its not a new years resolution) Its more like regaining my old self. The person that used to enjoy the burn from weight lifting or the surge of energy after a good run. Not only did I look better but I felt better mentally.
My progress was a little strange at first:
I had lost a dramatic amount of weight due to some dietary changes:
I had lost a dramatic amount of weight due to some dietary changes:
This was too thin, in my opinion. I was about 108 lbs. there.
The skinniest I ever was.
The skinniest I ever was.
I decided I needed to turn this skinny figure into something more fit and sculpted.
I started out with light cardio.I hated running so I did classes like zumba.
This was a good place to start. I was taking in a good amount of protein a day and taking supplements for my joints. ( I dont have healthy joints to begin with and adding weight training to this was not going to be easy)
Then I noticed a change in my endurance.
I was doing two classes in a row and feeling like I could go climb a mountain after.
I was feeling more confident.
This was probably at the peak of my progress.
I was beginning to see muscle defintion in my abs and arms.( I was obsessed with getting that v going down the hips lol )
The only bad thing about working out for me were my quads.
( Some may not consider this a bad thing )
But it was so easy to develop them and I ended up with larger quads than I wanted.
It runs in my family to have most of my strength there.
My brother's quads are insane.
I can squat almost 200 lbs and Im a little 5'2" asian!
I miss my quads being lean like this
This was when I was doing more cardio and dieting than weight training.
I cant help it, I LOVE weight training!I'm renewing my gym membership tomorrow and Im hoping to get back to that peak. Maybe even surpass that! I'm doing this for myself and I know I can dedicate myself to this. I was there at one point, obsessing about what work out to do next or doing leg lifts durinig my breaks at work...
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