
New Beginnings

I think the gray clouds have parted to let some sunlight in.
I made the decision to stay home and go to school for graphic design.

My dad and I spoke and when I said I didnt think I wanted to study art and just get a quick degree in some other field, he seemed offended. My father is an artist as well and I'm the only one of my siblings who inherited that talent. He didn't want to see me waste it. Which he's right.

Ive taken for granted a talent I was blessed with that I was born with. Its not something you can learn.

I chose graphic design because it has so much freedom. I can still do the fine art aspects that I love, ie. painting and drawing. Then on top of those things add the digital element which open doors to even more possibilities.

I am so excited for this new chapter in my life, no matter how late it came.
Thanks to my friends at AI, Katy Beth & Ryan. They are helping so much move this all along quickly for me.

And most importantly, to my husband. Who gave me the biggest hug & kiss, telling me how proud he is of me to be finally reaching for my goals. ( Not even shedding a single drop of sweat when the price of tuition came up)

( A funny picture my friend Vanessa took of me getting overly excited about the horses during my visit at AI )

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