
Hello I'm Jesi, and I have a problem...

I'm so addicted to Pinterest. Every chance I get, I'm on there. I've even made a folder on my desktop of inspirational pictures for my blog and home design. 

One idea I do have though, that I didn't get from Pinterest is what to put on our wall above the couch. I want a ton of white frames, different sizes to be scattered all over. And every frame will have a hot air balloon print inside, all with a faded vintage style. I figured the different colors will help tie the room together and well, I just LOVE hot air balloons. Then I can squeeze random frames with quotes about love, family, scriptures and so on. 

I do apologize for how disorganized this post is going to be, but I figured I'd post some inspirational pics:

I was looking for things to put above our bed and I thought this was a
nice & simple design. (obviously with our initials)

This is along the lines of what I was thinking for our living room,
but I don't know how I feel about the overly organized.
It's surprising really that someone who's as OCD as I am,
thinks that some chaos is a better route.
I've also had my eye on the empty wall in the kitchen.
Also painted the same accent tone as the wall in the living room.
I think Im going to use this as my inspiration for the kitchen and
put up some shelves. Decorate the shelves with frames, flowers and etc.
I could even stack three different frames that spell out E.A.T
More ranting to come! 

0 pennies for thoughts:

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